Tasmanian Older Adult Cohort (TASOAC) Study

The Tasmanian Older Adult Cohort (TASOAC) study is a prospective, population-based study aimed at identifying the environmental, genetic, and biochemical factors associated with the development and progression of osteoarthritis at multiple sites (hand, knee, hip, and spine). In addition, the range of measurements being collected in this cohort allows for many other hypotheses to be tested and other diseases such as osteoporosis, stroke, ischaemic heart disease, diabetes and cancer are being considered.

Participants between the ages of 50 and 80 years were randomly selected from the electoral roll in Southern Tasmania with an equal number of men and women. 1,100 were enrolled in the study, and 1,099 attended a baseline clinic between March 2002 and September 2004. At the phase 2 follow-up, 1000/1099 were eligible for follow-up and data was collected for 875 participants approximately 2.7 years later. Phase 3 follow-up data was collected for 769 participants approximately 5 years later. This study has received a grant from the National Health and Medical Research Council  to conduct a 10-year follow-up of this cohort.

Research Groups

Related Diseases


Team Leaders

Team Members

External Collaborators

  • Professor Flavia Cicuttini - Monash University
  • Dr David Scott

Related Funding Bodies